If you want to purchase shot glasses bulk, you have come to the right place. We have everything you need to start your party and prepare for a fun night out with friends.
Buy the right shot glass size.
The first thing to consider when buying shot glasses is the size. There are standard sizes for different types of alcohol. But these numbers easily confuse these numbers as they don’t always match up with what we think would be a “standard” size shot glass. Alibaba has the shot glass of every size:
- 2 oz: This is probably the most common-sized glassware used in bars and restaurants across the country. Be careful here because some people assume this means 2 ounces per shot.
- 3 oz: This is often referred to as a “shot,” though technically, it’s considered more of an appetizer-sized serving than anything else. Since its real capacity is closer to 4 ounces when filled with liquor instead of just water or juice like other types would require before being considered full-size.
- 4 oz: A smaller-than-usual glass option that works well if you want something more substantial than fruit juice or soda pop without having enough room left over for anything besides ice cubes and garnishes.
If you are serving shots at your party or event, you may want to consider purchasing a variety of shot glasses so your guests can choose. Here are some suggestions:
- Buy different colors – This can help your guests find their drinks more quickly in the dark and make the bar look more festive. You can get different color shot glasses from Try buying similar colors but different sizes. For example, purchase green shot glasses and amber ones.
- Buy different shapes – If you want to add an extra flair to your bar decorating skills, consider using spherical and cylindrical glasses instead of straight-sided ones. Other options include square-shaped or diamond-shaped glasses as well. You could also use these shapes for different types of liquors.
Glass is a good choice because it’s durable and won’t chip as easily as plastic. Glass will also last longer, so you’ll get your money’s worth out of it. Plastic shot glasses are more likely to crack or break, making them unusable after only a few uses.
Whether you buy Glass or plastic, be sure they’re dishwasher safe, so they’re easy to clean after use!
Perfect for the bar or your home
Whether you’re planning a party or want to add a few personal touches to your home bar, shot glasses are an excellent choice. You can use them, from serving up tequila shots on Cinco de Mayo to pouring a glass of whiskey for yourself after work. Shot glasses offer the best value when it comes to buying in bulk. They have a wide variety of uses and come in many different styles.
Final Words
If you’re looking to expand your collection of shot glasses, there are many options. With our guide, we hope that it helps you narrow down the choices and choose the perfect shot glass for your needs. For the business, you will need shot glasses bulk that you can get from Alibaba.